Terms and Conditions

The domain name www.downalley.com (“Site”) is a site worked by Down Alley, an organisation consolidated under the laws of India with our enlisted office at Ludhiana.

Understanding the General Terms:

By submitting a request with Down Alley, you affirm that you are in concurrence with and limited by the terms of administration in this document. These terms apply to all sites on the site, any email or other kind of correspondence between you and Down Alley and shall take precedence over any additional agreement between you and us.

By no means will Down Alley group be responsible for any immediate, backhanded, exceptional, accidental or considerable harms, including, however not restricted to, loss of information or benefit emerging out of the utilization, or the failure to utilise, the materials on this site, regardless of whether Down Alley group or an approved agent has been instructed concerning the chance of such harms? If using materials from this site requires overhauling, fixing or revising hardware or information, you expect any costs thereof.

Down Alley will only be answerable for results that might happen throughout utilising our assets. We save the freedom to change costs and reexamine the assets using the strategy at whatever second.


Down Alley awards you a revocable, non-select, non-adaptable, restricted permit to download, introduce and utilise the site stringently as per the particulars of this understanding.

These terms and conditions are an agreement between you and Down Alley (alluded to in these Terms and Conditions as “Down Alley”, “us”, “we”, or “our”), the supplier of the Down Alley site and the administrations open from the Down Alley site (which are on the whole alluded to in these terms and conditions as the “Down Alley Administration”).

In these Terms and Conditions, “you” alludes to you as an individual and to the substance you address. You consent to be limited by these terms and conditions. If you disagree with these terms and conditions, kindly don’t utilise the Down Alley Administration. If you abuse these terms and conditions, we maintain all authority to drop your record or block admittance to your record without notice.


 By using the website or platform, you agree not to 

  • Modify, copy or distribute the services or program code provided by Down Alley or use them for any purpose other than that they were designed. 
  • reverse engineer any portion of the website; decompile or disassemble any source code PROVIDED BY DOWN ALLEY; remove any proprietary notices from any part of this site; copy material from it
  • republish it elsewhere on the internet or exploit its content through patents in any way

Your Consent:

We’ve updated our Terms & Conditions to ensure full transparency into what is being set when you visit our site and how it’s being used. 

By using our website, registering an account, or purchasing our products, you now agree to our Terms& Conditions.


We use cookies to enhance the usefulness of our site, and most web browsers can be set to disable the use of Cookies. However, if you disable Cookies, you may be unable to access functionality on our website accurately. We never place personally identifiable information in cookies.

Modifications & Updates to our site:

Down Alley holds the right to change, suspend or cease, temporarily or forever, the site or any support it interfaces, regardless of notice and without risk to you. We will provide timely enhancements to the site’s usefulness, which shall incorporate patches, bug fixes, updates, redesigns, and changes (“Updates”).

Third-Party Services:

Down Alley may display, include, or make available content from third-party sources, including data, information, applications, and other products or services. Additionally, we may provide links to third-party websites or services, collectively called “Third-Party Services.”

By using our services, you acknowledge and agree that Down Alley will not be held responsible for any Third-Party Services, including their accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, copyright compliance, legality, decency, quality, or any other aspect thereof. 

Term and Termination:

This Agreement binds you and Down Alley until either party terminates it.

Down Alley may, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, suspend or terminate this Agreement at any time and for any or no reason. If you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement, Down Alley may immediately terminate this Agreement without prior notice. 

Upon termination of this Agreement, you must stop using the website and delete all copies of it from your computer. Termination of this Agreement will not limit any of Down Alley’s rights or remedies in case of breach by you of any of your obligations under this Agreement during its term, whether under law or equity.

Notice of Dispute:

If a dispute arises, you or Down Alley must provide a Notice of Dispute, a written statement that includes the party’s name, address, and contact information, the facts about the dispute, and the requested relief. You must email the Notice of Dispute to orders.downalley@gmail.com. 

Down Alley will send any Notice of Dispute to you by mail to your address if we have it or otherwise to your email address. The involved parties will endeavour to resolve any dispute amicably through informal negotiations within sixty (60) days from when the Notice of Dispute is dispatched. If the sixty-day period elapses, you or Down Alley may initiate arbitration.

Binding Arbitration:

If informal negotiation does not resolve the dispute, all efforts to resolve the dispute will be conducted exclusively through binding arbitration, as described in this section. 

By agreeing, you give up your right to litigate (or participate as a party or class member) in court before a judge or jury. The dispute will be settled through binding arbitration following the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. 

Either party may seek any interim or preliminary injunctive relief from any court of competent jurisdiction to protect their rights or property while arbitration is ongoing. The unsuccessful party shall pay all expenses, charges, and costs incurred by the prevailing party, including legal and accounting fees.

Submissions and Privacy:

If you provide Down Alley with any information, such as ideas, creative suggestions, designs, photographs, data or proposals, including ideas for new or improved products, services, features, technologies or promotions, you agree that such submissions will not be considered confidential or proprietary and will become the property of Down Alley without any compensation or credit to you. 

Down Alley and its affiliates will have no obligation to treat such submissions as confidential. We may use the ideas contained in such submissions for any purpose and in any medium, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing, and marketing products and services.